2nd EBM Retreat at the Fraunhofer Research Campus Waischenfeld

The EBM hiking group in front of Rabenstein Castle. (Image: L. Wißmeier)
The EBM hiking group in front of Rabenstein Castle. (Image: L. Wißmeier)

The 2nd EBM Retreat took place on October 10 and 11, 2024, at the Fraunhofer Research Campus in Waischenfeld, nestled in the beautiful Franconian Switzerland. This retreat offered an excellent opportunity for researchers to present their work, engage in networking, and collaboratively explore new ideas.

Day 1: October 10, 2024

The first day of the retreat kicked off with a series of insightful presentations:

  • Morning Sessions: The day began with presentations focusing on brain malformations and development, covering topics such as in silico modeling, quantitative characterization, and both in vitro and in vivo mechanics of brain development, along with spinal cord regeneration.
  • Afternoon Activities: After a productive morning, one of the highlights was a scenic hike to Rabenstein Castle, which included speed mentoring sessions. These sessions allowed (post-)doctoral researchers to engage in informal yet valuable conversations with their mentoring teams, providing guidance on both technical issues and broader career advice. The afternoon continued with further presentations on spinal cord mechanics and regeneration, discussing determinants of spinal cord mechanics, regeneration in various models, and mechanical manipulation techniques.
  • Evening Session: The day concluded with an engaging after-dinner talk by Prof. Dr. Ben Fabry, who has conducted research multiple times for several months at the Neumayer Station in Antarctica, focusing on the social behavior of emperor penguins. His presentation on the collective behavior of these penguins offered fascinating insights into the mechanisms of the animal world, highlighting the complexities of social interactions in nature.

Day 2: October 11, 2024

The second day began with a general assembly of EBM, led by the two spokespersons, Prof. Dr. Paul Steinmann and Prof. Dr. Silvia Budday, where members discussed recent developments and the future direction of the research consortium. This included announcing and discussing the results of a survey conducted among the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers regarding the EBM iRTG 1540. Additionally, there was a brief presentation by the new associated PI, Prof. Dr. Tomohisa Toda.

  • Morning Presentations: The morning featured discussions on the establishment of magnetic resonance elastography at FAU, followed by presentations on cellular differentiation, molecular mechanisms of mechanotransduction, and model-based reconciliation of test data.
  • Guest Talk: A highlight of the day was the guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Heather Hofmeister from Goethe University Frankfurt. She spoke about the diverse expectations and approaches of different generations in German academia, encouraging reflection on how these factors influence scientific collaboration.
  • Afternoon Sessions: The retreat wrapped up with additional presentations on data analysis and engineering brain tissue-like matrices, concluding a full agenda that spurred dynamic discussions and collaborative ideas among participants.

Additionally, some associated doctoral researchers and master’s students showcased their research through poster presentations. Several sessions were chaired by these early-career researchers, allowing them to gain valuable experience in organizing and leading scientific discussions.


The 2nd EBM Retreat was a resounding success, characterized by a rich exchange of scientific ideas, team-building activities, and new collaborations. The beautiful setting of the Fraunhofer Research Campus in Waischenfeld provided an ideal environment for both formal and informal discussions, fostering new impulses for future research.

We look forward to the next retreat and the continued scientific progress of the EBM group!

You can download the program of the 2nd EBM Retreat here.